Wednesday, 20 June 2012

We're the 3 best friends!!!!

Just doing a quick update, so that my next two posts make sense. This happened a while ago but I've just been too lazy to keep this updated. After we got back from Berlin. Kev and myself went looking for a house. We wanted to stay local enough to our friends, so ended up settling on a 4 bedroom house in Skerries. It's a little bit old fashioned, but it's half the price I was paying for my apartment in Dublin and will do the job. So Marc moved in as well, so we thought it'd be time to grind.....................

Ye quick look, messy as fuck obv...

Haven't mentioned much in regards to poker lately, just mainly because I think it'd just become boring and repetitive if was always talking about it. However I'm in a little bit of make-up at the moment. And constantly changing my mind about going on my own/playing just 180s. Still have no idea what to do.

Graph since last posted it...

Even though I've been playing mostly Mtts. Looking at that just made me realize how lazy I've been lately when it comes to grinding. That's like 10 weeks play which is just ridic. I just checked out my 180s since I've been mixing them in with Mtts and literally just decided right now I'm probably going to grind them to get out of make-up and see what I think when I clear. 

180s part-time

Lately I've at least got myself on track in regards to diet and fitness. Cooked my own dinner every day the last week (flex). And have had zero shit food at all. Been going running when the sun comes up every morning also. But Kev told me if I get into a normal sleeping pattern he'd go with me in the mornings. So going to attempt that. 

The Wolf Pack

Not allowed put this on facebook, so I thought may as well put it somewhere (sun). I'm 100% going to update the blog again tomorrow. I have 2/3 more posts to write until I'm up to date with real life. And we're having a sort of late house-warming party this Friday so that will require another post I'd imagine. So the quicker I get up to date the better!!

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