Tuesday, 20 December 2011


So, ye. I was all up for the mega grind this month. Then I broke my laptop screen. Sighz. Was 1300 games into the planned 3k just over a week into December. It is now the 20th. And still on 1300 games. So I have two choices. Play approx 200 games/day as I will be taken off Christmas Day obv. Or ship Marc $$$.

Also due to my laptop been broke missed the $10m guarnteed Sunday Million. However, because I knew anyone decent would be playing it. Wandered on into the Fitz to play the mid-month and shipped it for about 1750. Liveaments :)

Not sure what the plan is yet for these remaining 1700 games. If going to make up it need to cut out the drink between now and the end of the year. Hmm.. Will update end of next week along with new year plans.

Makes me wannna grind.

Thursday, 8 December 2011


Yer. That's all I've done this week. Griiiiiiiiind. Well on course for 3k games this month. At 925 after 7 days so unless I get really lazy I should make it. Profit wise isn't going as well as I would have liked. Started off well but last 3 days have gone pretty terrible in 180s. Think overall for the week I was about break-even in 180s, however binked my first mtt for 'Team Gavarov' in a small $5 1000 cap so at least there was some profit to show.

UKIPT sats are now up on stars for Galway, really want to Sat into that after missing the last Dublin one due to my 21st. Marc (Rowniwn on stars) is flying over from Malta for that one. And while he's over going to check out some apartments in the City Centre, just to have as a grind/party pad for 5 or 6 months. Would really help my game to move in with him for a few months, as he is crushing it as of late. Up to 4th on the tlb (tournament leader board), would be pretty sweet if he were to bink that. I'm apparently 70th on it, didn't even know 180s counted towards it so was a nice surprise. Maybe with all the regs taken Christmas off if I keep up the volume I could push for top 50.

Also on track in regards to the gym, going every second day with Kavnagh now. Diets going good to except, got a Blue in skerries yesterday. Nom. Best chicken wings in the world. Fuck yo Nandooos. Although... They do get pretty good advertising!! Glglgl..